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浏览次数: 150
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FERRO PTCR测温环工作原理及使用方法:
1、FERRO PTCR测温环具有可靠性,测温环几乎可被放置在窑炉的任何位置,炉体内、推板或传输带上 ,在使用前,不必测量温度;
2、FERRO PTCR陶瓷测温环的工作原理是根据其在工作温度范围内的线性收缩,从而给出测温环和烧成品的实际累计热量,对照换算表得出测试温度,烧制结束后,将测温环取走并做记号;

3、FERRO PTCR陶瓷测温环在窑炉中受热时,它就收缩,并在*高温度随保温时间延长而继续收缩。 在其使用温度范围内,收缩率是线性的,这为FERRO陶瓷测温环和被烧制的产品所受到的加热量提供了一种实用的测量方法;收缩量(环直径的减少)可用数字 千分尺测量 ,使用的手持数字千分尺记录每一片测温环的直径, 到0.01mm;

4、参照包装上所附的 环外径与温度对照表、温度校正曲线图(随产品提供),所测出的测温环直径可转换成 等效温度。
注意:为了使用时和方便FERRO测温环 每个温度表都是为该批测温环而特别制定的,所标的生产批号必须与温度 对照表上的保持一致。
PTCR in practice: accuracy and convenience
Firing process optimization
In the process of establishing a standard, the firing process is characterized by 'mapping' the ring temperatures of PTCR rings distributed throughout the kiln. This allows the 'hot' and 'cold spots' to be detected and defined.
Using the heat treatment mapping, the firing process can then be optimized by offsetting heat sources or thermocouples as indicated by the variations in ring temperatures. As a rule of thumb, one degree of ring temperaturecorresponds to one degree Celsius. The exact relationship between ring temperature and
degrees Celsius is of course dependent upon the specific firing cycle of the kiln.
The adjoining illustration shows two heat treatment mappings of the same 15m3 kiln.
The first was generated before using thePTCR; the second, after firing process optimization using PTCR rings,
 resulting in substantial yield improvement.
Firing process control
In the course of time - as a result of aging of the heating elements or frequently alternating firing cycles - 'hot' and 'cold spots' maygradually return to the kiln.The PTCR can help here, too. once the firing process has been optimized, PTCR rings can be used regularly to monitor the firing process and to detect these deviations as they gradually arise, before they affect product quality.
By comparing the current ring temperatures against the defined standard, the number of degrees of ring temperature by which the firing process must be adjusted can be determined. Using several rings at critical locations in the kiln ensures that an even heat distribution is maintained.
Quality control at lower cost
Besides the benefits of yield improvement through optimization of the firing process, the PTCR can also help reduce production costs.Simple comparison of ring temperature against a quality standard indicates whether the products are sintered to specification.Expensive, time-consuming conventional quality checks - destruction testing, geometry,density and porosity tests - can be reduced or eliminated.

   测温环被广泛应用于连续窑和非连续隧道窑、梭式窑、辊道窑、钟罩窑等等,推荐使用多位放置和多水平放置,这可使您对窑内热分部有个直接地了解。   FERRO PTCR测温环可应用在氧气、氮气、空气、真空和还原等不同烧成气氛中。
2、FERRO测温环安放位置贴近产品实际受热状态,测定烧制品 实际受热情况。
Method of use
PTCR rings can be placed at almost any location in the kiln, on kiln furniture, trolleys or transports. The use of both multi-location and
multi-level positioning is recommended, as this provides the most insight into the heat treatment distribution within the kiln.
The contraction of the PTCR diameter reflects the actual heat treatment at the point where the ring was located in the kiln. The diameter
is easily measured using a PTCR micrometer - only a single measurement is required (as shown).
PTCR micrometers Numerical (N) and Digital(D) have an integral, ergonomically designed solid base with a ring positioning chuck, which ensures the ring is always correctly positioned in the micrometer. This design not only simplifies the measuring process, but also
improves the repeatability and reproducibility of ring temperature measurement.
Converting to ring temperature
The measured ring diameter is converted to ring temperature using the conversion table enclosed in each packing unit. Each table is
specific to the particular batch of rings, for accuracy and convenience.The ring temperature is a practical single number which is useful for comparison purposes - for instance to relate the recorded heat treatment to the firing process and defined standards - so that any required adjustments can be made. It does not necessarily reflect the actual kiln temperature; the PTCR acts as an accumulator, measuring the total heat treatment over time, rather than the maximum temperature attained.
Establishing a standard ring temperature
In order to make ring temperature comparisons between different firings, a standard ring temperature must be defined. This is done by
including PTCR rings in a series of firings, and relating their ring temperatures to the quality of the products produced.
The ring temperature which corresponds to products fired to the correct specifications can be used as the standard.




   立式窑以其操作简单,温度均匀,烧结的连续性等优点而广泛用于电子陶瓷的烧结。比如:瓷片电容、PTC陶瓷电阻器、氧化锌压敏电阻器以及PZT压电陶瓷等。这些产品烧结温度的准确性要求都较高,若同类产品在烧结过程中温差过大,不但会影响产品的一致性,而且容易导致整批产品的报废。   立式窑的热电偶探头一般布置在炉膛的外侧,其测出的温度不是产品烧结的实际温度,这就要求产品在烧结前不但要知道其理论烧结温度,更应了解炉膛内的实际温度与表头温度的差异,否则依理论温度调整过来的表头温度是难以烧出高质量的产品。此时采用校温环提前校对一下炉膛内的温度,不但可以减少物料的浪费,而且可以节省宝贵的试炉时间。


PTCR: a quality product from a quality source
Worry-free firing control, day after day
Ferro places great emphasis on the quality of PTCR rings - after all, the quality of the rings has a direct impact on the quality of our customers' products!
All raw materials used in the powder mix from which the rings are manufactured undergo extensive laboratory testing. The powders are homogenized, and each individual batch is numbered and inspected once more, to guarantee both physical and pressingproperties. A unique batch identifier is pressed into each individual ring, allowing any ring to be traced back to its original powder batch, if necessary. As each batch of powder is released, the ring temperature conversion table is calculated - specifically for that batch.

Ferro’s unique approach to temperature tables relieves PTCR users of the need to recalibrate or recalculate standard ring temperatures when introducing rings from a new batch. Since each individual PTCR ring can be relied on to perform as specified in the conversion table, absolute accuracy is always assured.

The PTCR's accuracy, reliability and convenience free you from the concerns of firing quality and control - allowing you to concentrate on the quality of your product, not on temperature control. Process Temperature Control Rings: higher quality products and lower costs through improved,reliable firing control
Method of use 
Correct positioning is essential to allow accurate ring diameter reading in a single measurement. The special PTCR micrometers feature a positioning chuck that assists in placement of the ring, helping ensure that measurement is made correctly - across the middle digits of the ring number.

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